about the talk

Join the creative community for a live Zoom session with a presentation by San Diego based designers on this month’s global CreativeMornings theme, Spectrum. September's featured speaker is Aliza Carpio, Technology Evangelist at Intuit.

View the recorded talk from September 11, 2020 here.

Presenter Bio: Aliza Carpio
Aliza focuses on initiatives that create an awesome tech culture for Intuit technologists, which leads to building Intuit's tech brand. A true "multipotentialite" at heart, she is an inventor with several filed patents, an Innovation Catalyst and podcast host of Intuit's Tech Heroes on iTunes, which features Intuit and external technologists, the tech that inspires them, and the work they love. Outside of Intuit, she conducts pro-bono social media consultation for women-owned micro-businesses in San Diego.

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About CreativeMornings San Diego

CreativeMornings San Diego is a monthly breakfast lecture series for the creative community. Every month local chapters gather in 216 cities across 65 countries, for free. Speakers are selected by each chapter based on a global theme, celebrating their city’s creative talent and promoting an open space to connect with like-minded individuals.