SAN’s Arts Program launched its Performing Arts Residency Program in 2016. The residency cultivates the local performing arts community by inviting two artist groups to develop and perform new work over the course of five months. The Performing Arts Residency Program provides a platform for the development and performance of new work that simultaneously enriches the airport experience for customers and cultivates the regional performing arts community.

Due to the COVID-19 pandemic, our Spring 2020 residency artists, Beck+Col, were not able to be onsite at the airport for the last 2 months of their residency, but that didn’t stop them from creating new virtual work. Based out of their home studio, they filmed a series of remote performances and vocal workshops.
To check out all of the wonderful content created during their residency - including operatic vocal lessons and virtual airport performances please visit: arts.san.org/beck&col
About Programa de Arte del Aeropuerto Internacional de San Diego
El programa de arte del Aeropuerto Internacional de San Diego sorprende y deleita con presentaciones del más alto calibre en arte público, arte dramático y en exposiciones que muestran la riqueza de la comunidad cultural del San Diego. El programa ofrece un optimizado servicio al cliente mediante la presentación de piezas de arte y programas que captan la atención de los viajeros mediante experiencias memorables y atractivas que crean un ambiente característico de San Diego, dando así la bienvenida a la gente que llega al aeropuerto y en a la región.